19th February 2025

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Your money, Your say: WNC want your views on 2025/26 budget proposals

Your money, Your say: WNC want your views on 2025/26 budget proposals

Residents, businesses and community groups in West Northants are encouraged to share their views on the draft budget proposals for 2025/26.

Members of the Cabinet met last night (Tuesday, 10 Dec) to discuss ideas for saving money and improving efficiency. These proposals aim to balance the Council's budget while protecting our most vulnerable residents and addressing the rising costs and demand for local services.

Now it's over to you. The proposals are open for feedback until midnight on Tuesday, 21 January. After that, we'll use your input to finalise the budget, which will be presented to the full Council in February 2025.

You can have your say on the budget proposals by completing the survey on our Consultation Hub. The survey can be accessed online for free at Council managed libraries across West Northants, or you can request a copy in another format by emailing haveyoursay@westnorthants.gov.uk or phoning 0300 126 7000.

Despite financial pressures, the council is on course to set a balanced revenue budget for 2025/2026 of £933.8m (net £427.7m excluding Dedicated Schools Grant).

Key to helping the Council protect essential services whilst balancing the books in its fifth year as a unitary authority is the income it receives from Council Tax. The draft budget proposes to raise Council Tax by 4.99%, including 2% going towards adult social care as specified by the Government. This increase, in line with last year's, would mean an average rise of £1.71 per week on a Band D property yet would contribute around £19m a year towards services.

The Council has also continued to review, restructure and transform services within the organisation to find more efficient ways of working without adversely impacting the services it delivers to residents. These initiatives are set to achieve efficiencies of around £26m next year. The proposals also include a full review of fees and charges where appropriate to keep up with inflation and to ensure they fairly reflect today's operating costs.

The draft budget also proposes that the authority invests over £155m in its capital programme over the next four years, to improve local infrastructure and assets such as land, buildings and equipment. The Council will also be investing in accommodation to reduce its reliance on expensive private placements. Additionally, the Council will spend an estimated £20m in public health support which is funding from the Government in the year ahead to progress a range of schemes aimed at improving residents' wellbeing, reducing health inequalities and continuing to support communities.

There are also proposals on how the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) should be funded in 2025-26 – this is money spent on maintaining and improving social housing, including building new homes. There are plans to invest £77m in social housing during the next financial year, which forms part of a total five-year capital programme amounting to £261m.

Watch our video to find out more about the budget proposals for 2025/26: Our Budget Explained: 2025/26

Cabinet will consider the final budget for 2025/26 on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 for recommendation to the full Council meeting on Thursday, 20 February 2025; subject to any changes made following consideration of the consultation feedback, the Local Government financial settlement and the latest financial position.

Posted: Fri, 13 Dec 2024

Tags: Unitary, West Northants Council