18th January 2025

Search East Hunsbury Parish Council

Serving the people of East Hunsbury

Be the Change - Join Your Local Parish Council

We currently have two vacancies for parish councillors. If you are passionate about your local community and could help shape the future of East Hunsbury, keeping it a great place to live, work and visit, we would love to hear from you.

Find out more about what's involved below, and if you have any questions please get in touch.

Become a Councillor

Are you tired of just talking about change and ready to roll up your sleeves and make a difference in your community? Are you passionate about your community and eager to make a difference? Becoming a Parish Councillor is an excellent way to get involved and shape the future of your local area. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider taking up this role:

  1. Community Advocacy: As a Parish Councillor, you will have the opportunity to advocate for the issues that matter most to your community. Whether it's improving local services, addressing infrastructure needs, or promoting environmental initiatives, you can be the voice for positive change.
  2. Local Decision-Making: Parish Councils make decisions that directly impact your neighbourhood. By participating, you can ensure that these decisions align with the interests and needs of your community, helping to shape its future.
  3. Networking: Serving as a Parish Councillor allows you to connect with a diverse group of community members, including residents, local businesses, and organisations. This network can be invaluable for building community partnerships and finding solutions to common challenges.
  4. Learning and Development: If you're interested in politics, governance, or community development, this role provides hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of local government processes.
  5. Representation: Become a voice for under-represented groups in your community. Parish Councils aim to be inclusive and diverse, ensuring that all residents' concerns are heard and addressed.
  6. Time Commitment: Worried about the time commitment? Parish Council meetings typically take up a few hours each month, making it a manageable commitment for most people. Plus, the sense of accomplishment you'll feel is well worth the effort.
  7. Make a Lasting Impact: Your decisions and contributions as a Parish Councillor can have a lasting impact on future generations, leaving a legacy of positive change in your community.
  8. A Thriving Community: Ultimately, your involvement as a Parish Councillor can help create a stronger, more vibrant, and connected community where residents can flourish.

Becoming a Parish Councillor is a unique chance to be a driving force for positive change in your community. So, why wait? Step forward, be the change you want to see, and become a Parish Councillor.

To find out more, just get in touch. We'd be happy to answer any questions you have about what's involved.

If you would like any more information or advice, or are still unsure about whether becoming a councillor is for you - please get in touch!

You can speak to our Clerk, or one of our existing parish councillors to find out what it's really like.

Last updated: Wed, 08 May 2024 11:29